
Use the order of operations to simplify. (2/7)^2. (7/9)^2 (2/7)^2. (7/9)^2 = (Simplify your answer. Type a whole number or a fraction.)

Accepted Solution

Answer:[tex](2/7)^{2} (7/9)^{2}(2/7)^{2} (7/9)^{2} = \frac{16}{6561}[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:[tex](2/7)^{2} (7/9)^{2}(2/7)^{2} (7/9)^{2}[/tex]1. Do what is in parenthesis first. You can distribute the exponent to both the numerator and demonitator of each fraction in order to operate.    [tex]\frac{2^{2} }{7^{2} } \frac{7^{2}} {9^{2} } \frac{2^{2} }{7^{2} } \frac{7^{2}} {9^{2} }[/tex]2. Exponents (ie Powers and Square Roots, etc.)    [tex]\frac{4}{49} \frac{49}{81} \frac{4}{49} \frac{49}{81}[/tex]3. Multiplication and Division (left-to-right)     [tex]\frac{4}{81} \frac{4}{49} \frac{49}{81}[/tex]since multiplication is commutative then :        [tex]\frac{4}{81} \frac{4}{49} \frac{49}{81}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{4}{49} \frac{49}{81} \frac{4}{81}[/tex]therefore         [tex]\frac{4}{49} \frac{49}{81} \frac{4}{81}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{4}{81} \frac{4}{81}[/tex]So: [tex]\frac{4}{81} \frac{4}{81}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{16}{6561}[/tex]